Today, on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanthi, and the start of DaanUtsaav (formerly Joy of Giving Week), Divya Disha is launching The Power of Rupee 1.

What is The Power of Rupee 1

It’s pretty simple. Here’s what we’ve realized.

With Rupee 1
You can’t buy an ice-cream
You can’t buy a cricket ball
You can’t even buy  shoe laces

But Rupee 1 a day for a year …. can go towards giving a child

Shelter and security
A  good, nutritious meal
A primary school education
A safe childhood…


We strongly believe that you do not have to be rich to give generously.

All we’re asking you to do is donate Rupee 1 for every day of the year.

To simplify the process of collection, we’re asking you contribute Rs.365/- today.

What you need to do:

  1. Donate Rs.365/ today. Find more about how to donate.
  2. Get your family, friends, colleagues to donate as well.
  3. Spread the word about The Power of Rupee 1 on Social Media. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and re-share our updates on this campaign. Hashtag – #PowerOfOne.


So simple. And yet so powerful.

Donate Rs.365/- today. And spread the word about it.

Make a difference. Donate Rs.365/- The Power of Rupee 1 #DhaanUtsav #PowerOfOneClick To Tweet

No one has ever become poor by giving. ~ Anne Frank


Divya Disha

Divya Disha is a Non-Governmental organization that uses a rights based approach in our work with children and young people.

1 Comment

Charity Begins At Home #ThePowerOfOne #DaanUtsav - Divya Disha · October 6, 2016 at 4:23 am

[…] 2nd October we launched our The Power of Rupee 1 campaign. And 3rd October our staff made the first contributions to this […]

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