Divya Disha has long been involved in giving children a home. We have rescued, rehabilitated and proudly watched children bloom into adults and take their place in the world.
The family is the basic unit of society. We always strive to return the child or young person to his or her family. Placement in Homes is considered only as a last resort when family care arrangements and community-based options are unable to help. In such a case, a child given into our by the respective Child Welfare Committee, is provided a home by us.
Article 39 of the Convention on The Rights of The Child (Rehabilitation of child victims) states : Children who have been neglected, abused or exploited should receive special help to physically and psychologically recover and reintegrate into society. Particular attention should be paid to restoring the health, self-respect and dignity of the child.
Giving Children A Home
We run Balaniketan (a rehabilitation home for boys) and Balikaniketan (a rehabilitation home for girls) in Hyderabad and a rehabilitation home in Sangareddy, Medak District, Telangana.
The policies, strategies and activities relating to rehabilitation of children in our care are guided by 4 principles.
# 1 Provide Care with the Aim of Reintegration Back into the Family and Society
Residential care aims to help the person improve his or her behaviour and outlook in life, helping them get back to life with his or her family and in society. The intervention programmes aim to equip the person with the life skills and knowledge to return to their families and society smoothly.
# 2 Provide a Safe and Supportive Environment for Rehabilitation
The children in our care come from various backgrounds. Some require protection and treatment due to abuse and neglect, or rehabilitation because they are at risk to themselves or others, or have committed offences. Our Homes strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for the children. Besides being a secure physical environment, the Homes provide emotional support.
We continue to keep in touch with most of the children who have graduated from our care. We connect them to partners in the community; help them find ways to live independently and successfully.
# 3 Maximize the Strengths and Potential of Each Person
We aim to offer every child in our care the chance to maximise his or her potential. The care plan and rehabilitation programmes are designed to be relevant to each individual’s circumstance and to meet his or her needs. Education of children is holistic and all-round.
We help children learn the importance of having good and useful habits and structures for successful living. These include basics like getting up on time, being responsible for self and in tasks and duties assigned, having adequate sleep and rest for optimal functioning the following day. They also learn how to live, work and play in harmony with others.
#4 Fostering Partnerships with the Community
The support from the community is key to helping children and young persons return to the community. We work closely with partners such as volunteers, voluntary welfare organizations, corporates, schools, employers to develop a network of programmes and services.
Here’s a look at inside one of our homes as reported by a journalist.
They are a bunch of chattering girls of 6 to 18 years age group with a determined smile who will bowl you over with their confidence. Their energy and eagerness to talk is infectious. Brimming with excitement, the girls are back from school which is a stone’s throw away from the centre. These are children residing in one of the Divya Disha rehabilitation homes in Uppal. The NGO which was established in 1987 has rehabilitation centres for boys (Balaniketan) and girls (Balikaniketan). Rows of bunk beds in a big dormitory serve as their living room. A recreation room and also a library equipped with a computer is part of their home.
After a regular day at school, the girls come back, refresh themselves and start doing their homework. On asked what are their favourite subjects they promptly reply, English and Mathematics. A delicious piping hot sambhar, tangy tomato chutney and a boiled egg served along with rice is their lunch which they will most graciously share with you. They are also a musically inclined lot who love to sing and dance and exhibit their talents. Their zest for life is admirable and makes you wonder at the injustices they had to overcome.
And now a pictorial view of the children in our care.
We acknowledge the support and involvement of our staff, volunteers and friends of Divya Disha, who down the years have helped us in giving children a home.
#UnwrapChristmas Doing a Little Something Extra - A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose! · December 24, 2016 at 5:30 am
[…] may do this little something extra by donating towards giving children a home by supporting Divya Disha. If you need any information about this cause, please feel free to ask […]
Making Christmas Meaningful #UnwrapChristmas - Everyday Gyaan · December 24, 2016 at 6:42 am
[…] I invite you to donate towards giving children a home by supporting Divya Disha, an NGO I work with. If you need any information about this cause, please […]
#UnWrapChristmas With Dreams | The Philospher's Stone · December 24, 2016 at 9:03 am
[…] year we invite you to also become Secret Santas to children of Divya Disha, an NGO we hope to spread far and […]
#UnWrapChristmas: Turning the spotlight on the spirit of the season | Modern Gypsy · December 24, 2016 at 11:01 am
[…] if you feel inspired to give a gift that keeps on giving, may I suggest that you make a donation to Divya Disha, an NGO that is doing some excellent work with […]
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